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Newegg 101’s

The world largest Tech Marketplace you never heard of…


With 40 million active customers, available in 80 countries, Newegg is the surprisingly large marketplace many have never heard about. If you do not sell technical products, that may be for good reason – the marketplace has a background and core focus on electronic’s.

Newegg has expanded into other verticals over the years, so sellers with fashion, games and other gear may attempt their luck. Tamebay did a great piece on them here.

If you sell technology products or electronics in the US, we encourage getting started here.

Plans and fees

We’re not going to repeat what Newegg does best here, nor attempt to stay as updated as them on these details.

However we would advise trialing this channel with the right pieces in place, the core ones being marketing. The ‘Professional’ plan give you some marketing external advantages that should easily pay for themselves if your product have demand on this channel.

If you plan to use their logisitcs services, ‘Enterprise’ would likely suit you best.

We’d only recommend ‘Standard’ for sellers looking to dip their toe into this market and expect a slow start.

‘Catapult’ Ads

This part takes the most time. If you’re adding them on screen, 1 by 1, it can be about as fun as watching paint dry, age and peel…

We’d recommend using their upload templates. They are no fun either, with lots of unclear errors and ill defined requirements. They also vary in format by category, so if you sell a mix of items, prepare for some excel work.

The best option is to use a channel management system – ideally yours supports Walmart and can help you push the product up.

  • If your product exist on Walmart already, you can ‘Match’ which is faster.
  • If you want/need to create something original, it will take longer but grant more long term rewards and control.

    Feature Ads

    Stuff about feature ads

    This ain’t cheap…

    Pricing / managed service / self service stuff